Federal Employee Guides

This category is filled with posts written specifically for federal employees.

Arguing with your supervisor over your lunch break rights?

We’ve got you covered.

Want to understand everything there is to know about your TSP?

Also got you covered.

Top 10 disadvantages of working for the federal government

Top 10 disadvantages of working for the federal government

Going through the advantages and disadvantages of a federal government job? Here are some cons of public sector jobs I've seen in 20 years of experience.

Background Checks for Federal Employees- What You Need to Know

Background Checks for Federal Employees- What You Need to Know

I wrote this post to help potential federal employees navigate their background checks using the SF-85 and land their first federal job.

MRA + 10 retirement: Retirement eligibility for FERS employees.

MRA + 10 retirement: Retirement eligibility for FERS employees.

The MRA + 10 retirement allows FERS employees who have reached MRA a chance to retire earlier than they otherwise could with some benefit reductions.

Why is the TSP F Fund Losing Money?

Why is the TSP F Fund Losing Money?

In this post we take a look at how the thrift savings plan bond funds work and answer the question "why is the TSP f fund losing money in 2022".

Everything you wanted to know about part time federal employment but were too afraid to ask

Everything you wanted to know about part time federal employment but were too afraid to ask

Are you considering part time federal employment but are unsure of what it will do to your leave, pension, and other benefits? Read on to find out what changes.

Federal Employees Oath of Office: Ultimate Guide for New Employees and Those Who Have Forgotten It

Federal Employees Oath of Office: Ultimate Guide for New Employees and Those Who Have Forgotten It

If you’re thinking about joining the ranks of federal employees who have already signed the oath of office, I’ll walk you through what it says

FEHB Spouse Coverage After Retirement- Can a surviving spouse continue FEHB coverage?

FEHB Spouse Coverage After Retirement- Can a surviving spouse continue FEHB coverage?

FERS employees can continue FEHB enrollment as an annuitant. But what about FEHB spouse coverage after retirement? This article breaks it down.

Can I Buy Crypto With my TSP? Bitcoin vs. the Thrift Savings Plan 

Can I Buy Crypto With my TSP? Bitcoin vs. the Thrift Savings Plan 

Want to buy cryptocurrency in your Thrift Savings Plan? Here's everything you need to know about investing in crypto and Bitcoin in your TSP?

Which TSP Fund is Bonds? How the TSP F Fund and G Fund Work

Which TSP Fund is Bonds? How the TSP F Fund and G Fund Work

Do you have a thrift savings plan and want to add bonds to your retirement savings? Here's what the TSP F Fund and TSP G Fund invest in.

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